Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Recycling can be fun :)

Is this the future way of knitting? By reusing plastic bags?

Well, I decided to try it. I'm not sure if I like the result. However knitting with plastic was quite fun. Basically I cut out 1 cm wide pieces from plastic bags. The length of the pieces varied. The length is unimportant since it's easy to knot the different pieces of plastic together (place the knots on the reverse side).

It would be cool to knit a durable bag out of plastic bags, with a lot of different colours. For now I have knitted a simple little bracelet.

Edit. I have continued with some plarn knitting. I haven't knitted a bag, but a hairband. In this particular hairband you can find plastic from cookie packets, tissue packets, cotton balls bags and plastic bags.


Thursday, 16 June 2011

Humankind cannot bear very much reality

Some more postcards, with pictures and words cut out from magazines and from an old statistics book about armed conflicts. The theme is love and peace. 

Peace and love
Love (in the hearts you can find the word peace)


Love the world
Hearts have colours. Don't we all know?

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Smoothed by the Sea

In this post you can see some smoothed and beautiful pieces of sea glass, which I've collected from the beach.

In the photo to the left you can see how a little square-looking piece and a heart-looking-piece are glued together and stuck on a little circle of metal. I have tied it all on a string.

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Lost at sea

Here's another sea glass object of mine. Basically it's a diadem, which I've decorated with a lot of small pieces of colourful sea glass (and loads of glue).

Sailing over wave and tide oh ho ho.

Fantastic waves against our sides oh ho ho.

And I'm not so afraid.

Lost at sea, as I should be.

Monday, 6 June 2011

Lost in a melody

I thought I would share some of my home-made objects from last year. When I spent an evening at the beach I found some sea glass in the sand. Among those pieces I found this lovely piece of ocean glass. I glued the piece of glass on a little circle of metal. Then I tied it on a black string.

There's a lot of treasures out in the nature (even though some of them are not supposed to be there in the first place).  I find sea glass to be very beautiful and somehow unique. You just can't find a piece which looks exactly like the other.

The colour of the sea glass tells a story. This clear piece of glass comes from one of the following  sources: clear plates, glasses, windows or windshields.

Happily shared with craft schooling sunday

Thursday, 2 June 2011


When I made this necklace, I was inspired by Emma's necklaces in Glee. The flower is made of textile and cut out from a candle ring. The rest is beads you find in the craft store or toy store.
The idea behind this ring is the flower ring which Robin Hood gave Maid Marian in the Disney's Robin Hood movie.

I cut out the flowers from a candle ring. Then I painted them slightly purple and glued a pearl as a final touch.