Sunday 27 February 2011

Sunshine parade

My little-sister F. and I spent some days together. We decided to dye some of our clothes. We chose yellow textile colour and red textile colour. 

First some yellow/orange...


Then it became more interesting. It was time for some red textile colour! 

Dancing with myself in my blood orange skirt. I love it.

 Last but not least we dyed a grey tank in the red textile colour. The greyness changed into some kind of purple-pink colour. I like the result. The batik-pattern looks nice.



  1. love how the boring grey changed in to the beautiful batik top (how did you get that pattern?) and also the orange skirt, you have just the figure for those!!

  2. Indeed. I can't understand how old me just liked grey and black, considering there are so many wonderful colours to choose from! My little sister tied the batik top with yarns, and she tied at random. She tied both circles and crosswise. Thank you sweet D!

  3. transformacja spódniczki z podstawowego koloru na nowy genialna ...perfekcyjne barwienie ..0 niedociągnięć :]

  4. Dziekuje, ja tez bylam zaskoczona dobrym rezultatem.


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