Sunday, 10 June 2012

Sometimes a pencil sharpener is needed in order to make a good point

How to make your old pencil look like new:
Step 1: Cut a piece of paper (gift wrap paper, patterned paper or paper from magazine pages) that is as long as the pencil and wide enough to reach around it. 
Step 2: Apply plenty of glue on the paper and take some extra glue around the edges.
Step 3: Roll up the paper around the pencil. Be sure to glue the paper properly on your pencil, so that you can sharpen your pencil afterwards.

Why don't you freshen up your old pencils by covering them with some nice paper? It makes writing more fun. :)


  1. Thats a pretty good idea, I will try beautifying my pencils :-)

    1. Thank you! :) Yes, do so. Writing and sketching is a lot more fun this way!

  2. Thank you Rory! If you have put enough glue on the paper, then the paper will stick to the pencil, even if you sharpen it. With the extra layer around the pencils, they are a bit too big to fit in a pencil sharpener with a small eye (at least the one I have). By that reason I would say a pencil sharpener with a big eye. :) Good luck!

  3. cfanioaro przebiegłe ..zwykłe szare ołówki mogą stać się kolorowe podoba mi się :)

    1. Tak, to sprawia pisanie i rysowanie o wiele ciekawsze. :)


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